Wednesday, March 30, 2016

2016-2017 FSU ATA Officers and a letter from the President

Recently, the FSU student chapter of ATA held their annual elections. Below is a list (taken from the department blog) of the newly elected along with a brief quote from each. A letter from President Elect, Franchesca Lastra Vicente is also included.

President: Franchesca Lastra Vicente

“As the newly elected president, I will continue to uphold the beliefs and values of the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) and those of Florida State University. I will extend the knowledge and expertise that I have learned thus far to carry on the legacy of previous FSU ATA presidents, in addition to advocating our program, as well as the profession of Art Therapy. By working alongside my peers and the community I will not only accomplish this, but much more.”

Vice President (First Friday): Rebecca Allen

“Our class is so tight-knit and works so well together. I think we are going to be able to do great things with ATA, and I am excited to work alongside my classmates as VP. I look forward to seeing all that we accomplish and how we will be able to further engage the community through First Friday at Railroad Square.”

Secretary: Carla Clymo

“I look forward to my time as secretary.”

Treasurer: Mia Ulmer

“I am honored to be responsible for a position of this importance.”

Historian: Ashley Beck

“I am excited to document every event that goes on with ATA. I am so happy that Franchesca will be our leader!”

Community Service Coordinators: Kara Morrissey & Olivia Clear

“Representing ATA as a Community Service Coordinator is a privilege, because it allows us to work on minimizing the gap between campus and the community in a positive and meaningful way.” – Kara Morrissey
“I am so excited to uncover some of the various ways that we can engage and serve the broader community to illustrate the service oriented aspects that form the core of our position.” – Olivia Clear

1st/2nd year Liason: Jeanette Bullock

“I am excited to welcome the incoming class!”

Self Care: Casey Barlow

“I am excited to fill the self-care position, and be provided with the opportunity to remind the wonderful individuals in ATA how important it is to provide the same compassion to ourselves that we give to others every day.”

Public Relations Coordinator: Lindsay Bullock

“I am excited to be on PR and help spread the news of the wonderful things our program is doing.”

FATA Liason: Cassandra Szarejko

“As a native Floridian, I am excited to begin connecting with the Florida Art Therapy Association (FATA) and learning more about how the profession is making an impact in the state.”

Fundraising Chairs: Madisen Hansen & Brittany Osborn

“I am excited that the fundraising position will be split into two sections. It is a lot of work and a hard position that comes with a lot of stress. I am glad that myself and Brittany will be in charge of it. We make a good team.” – Madisen Hansen
“As supportive team members, Maddie and I will work together to fundraise enough money so each student has an opportunity to go to the AATA Conference!” – Brittany Osborn

Letter From the President:

I am truly honored and delighted to accept the position of FSU ATA President. At the time that I was deciding to accept this position, I deeply considered the challenges and responsibilities that I would momentarily face. However, I soon realized how important it was for me to take this next step in my life. This position is providing me the opportunity to reach out of my bubble, allowing me to engage with the outer world.

As the newly elected president, I will continue to uphold the beliefs and values of the American Art Therapy Association and those of Florida State University. I will extend the knowledge and expertise that I have learned thus far to carry on the legacy of previous FSU ATA presidents, in addition to advocating our program, as well as the profession of Art Therapy. By working alongside my peers and the community I will not only accomplish this, but much more. 

To my peers, thank you for placing your confidence and trust in me to serve as your President. I look forward to serving as your leader while we work together as a team to represent a group of extraordinary and diverse students. I believe that notable mattersnever accomplished by one person, but rather by a group of individualsDuring my time as your president, I will take into account each of your interests and hear any of the issues that we will face during the upcoming yearI am sincerely grateful, for without your love and support this would have not been possible. 

To the art therapy faculty, thank you for offering students the opportunity to be a part of a great organization and providing the necessary support to become successful art therapists. I look forward to building and strengthening the program by leaving a lasting impact at Florida State University. 

To the community, thank you for your continuous support. With the help of my team we will not only listen to your needs, but also respond to those requests in the best way possible through art! I aspire to be involved in a community that will empower strong and healthy individuals who will then lead us to a better world.  

Thank you again for your support and for electing me as your next FSU ATA President.


Franchesca Lastra Vicente 
FSU ATA President 2016-2017

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