Friday, February 28, 2014

TEDx Talks x The Arts

Check out these inspiring videos on various TEDx Talks on the importance of arts and creativity

Why Art Matters: Dr. Linda F. Nathan at TEDxTheCalhounSchool

TEDxSantaMonica Brian McCarty War, Art Therapy, and Toys

TEDxManitoba - Kale Bonham: Bridging Cultures Through Community Provoked Art

FATA Cruise

2nd Year Art Therapy Students with Marcia Rosal and Dave Gussak

The Florida Art Therapy Association’s Conference Cruise was a huge success!  Attendees arrived from over 9 states to participate in the 4-day conference that traveled from Miami to the Bahamas.  The Department of Art Education’s Art Therapy Program had 12 students and 2 faculty members in attendance.  Dr. Dave Gussak presented on the use of art as evidence in a capitol murder case.  
Dr. Marcia Rosal presented about the use of museums as a tool in art therapy. 
Meredith McMakin and Rachel Mims
Two students also presented at the conference.  On Friday evening Rachel Mims presented on conducting an art journal swap for self-care.  She then had the conference attendees participate in a mini-art journal swap that took place until the last evening of the conference.  Three small journals were handed out to attendees who used whatever art materials they had brought or could find to make art before passing the journal to another conference attendee.  Many attendees stated that they enjoyed seeing the art created by others and that they were going to use the idea with their clients.

1st Year FSU Art Therapy Students
On Saturday evening Meredith McMackin and Rachel Mims presented about the utilization of papermaking as a trauma intervention when working with veterans.  The presentation detailed a workshop that was conducted at Veterans Village in June 2013.  Participants were given information about the paper making process and then were able to utilize several techniques to create images on hand-made paper.  Many attendees encouraged Meredith and Rachel to present on this topic at the National level. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Congratulations to the new 2014-2015 FSU ATA Executive Board

President: Chelsea H.

Vice President: Erin H.

Treasurer: Ashley J.

Secretary: Ashley H.

Community Service: Alison K.

PR: Jamie N.

Fundraising: Emily H.

Conference: Lorelei V.

Historian: Katelyn B.

Monday, February 17, 2014